Inspirational Cards

by Mabel Katz


3.39 usd

Looking for answers? Need help making decisions? the inspiration you’re looking for.This inspiring game of 52 Cards, offers you inspiring phrases based on Hooponopono that will guide you when you feel that you must feed the spirit, when you are depressed, when you do not know what to do or how to act, this card game will offer you the correct answer in the right moment, Just LET GO AND TRUST!FEATURES:- Browse Universe Has Your Back cards anywhere, anytime on your Android device*- Save cards to review at any time*- Email cards to yourself or share with a friend*About the Author:Mabel Katz is an internationally acclaimed speaker, author, and seminar leader who is recognized as a leading authority on Ho’oponopono, an ancient Hawaiian art and practice for achieving greater clarity of purpose and living and working more effectively. She has crafted a series of keynotes, talks, and seminars for corporations, businesses, and individuals – including seminars for children – that apply the practices of Ho’oponopono to bring companies closer to their full potential and give people an edge at work and in all areas of life.Based on using forgiveness and gratitude, her presentations focus on practical ways for reaching what she calls Zero Frequency®, a state where we are free of restrictive memories and limiting self-talk. From the clarity of Zero, outstanding solutions become apparent and excellent choices can be made.